With technology advancing so quickly, it is actually a little nice to see that a company like Amazon.com - one that started by selling books - has become one of the largest enterprises in the entire world. This means that there are still people who prefer to turn off the computer and relax with a good book. And if you're looking to turn reading your favourite stories into a social experience than you might want to consider joining or starting a book club around your community. Here is a little information about what that is and how you can start one.

The basics of a book club are actually quite simple. This is a group of people who all get together to discuss one book that they have all read. Many meet once a month in their own homes or in a local coffee shop and spend a few hours or an evening discussing the book as well as socializing with each other. The sort of book club that you have and the kinds of books that you're reading are entirely up to you.

The first step to creating a great book club is to find the right people to be in it. Not only do you want to find people that you can have great conversations with, but you are also looking for those who are going to want to read the same sort of books as you and will be able to keep to your reading schedule. This means that you're likely looking for people who have a few hours free at least once a month.

If you want to keep up with all getting together regularly to discuss a new book than you should try to stay as consistent as possible when it comes to your meeting times. You might choose to meet at 7pm on the third Friday of every month, for example, and alternate between your homes as the meeting place. This will give you each a chance to host the event and everyone has times when they need to just show up with their book read.

You might not have a group of friends that are keen to join you in your book club adventure. But that doesn't mean that you need to give up the idea. This is a great way to meet new people and you can advertise your book club in a variety of ways to find new people. If you're not comfortable inviting new members over to your personal space than you can choose to meet at a neutral venue instead. There are many people who love to discuss good books.

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